Geology of Pennsylvania, 1858

Pulpit Rocks, Warrior Ridge, Huntingdon County, Pa.
Frontispiece of Geology of Pennsylvania: A Government Survey

The History of Philadelphia's Watersheds and Sewers

Compiled by Adam Levine
Historical Consultant
Philadelphia Water Department
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One of the most interesting books in the Philadelphia Water Department Archives is the Geology of Pennsylvania: A Goivernment Survey, from 1858, by Henry Darwin Rogers. This early geological survey of Pennsylvania (of which we only have the first of two volumes) includes many fascinating illustrations and text that describes many natural features of the state. While most of the excerpts below are relevant to Philadelphia and vicinity, I could not resist including the beautiful frontispiece, pictured above. Click on the links or thumbnails to access the files.

Geological section along the east bank of the Schuylkill River from Spring Mill (near Conshohocken) to Fairmount (in Philadelphia).
Part 1 (PDF, 2 mb) and Part 2 (PDF, 2 mb)

Pictorial section of the east bank of the Schuylkill River from Spring Mill (near Conshohocken) to Manayunk (in Philadelphia).
Part 1 (PDF, 0.6 mb) and Part 2 (PDF, 0.6 mb)

Geological section along Wissahickon Creek looking east.
(PDF, 2 mb)

Title page and textual descriptions of Delaware, Susqhehanna, Allegheny and Potomac watersheds in Pennsylvania, as well as a description of scenery along the Delaware. Also, descriptions of various limestone and marble quarries around Philadelphia.
(PDF, 1.2 mb)


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Website by Panacea Design and Adam Levine
Page last modified June 15, 2009