Surveys for a Future Water Supply of the City of Philadelphia: Annual Report of Progress during 1884, by Rudolph Hering, C.E., Engineer in Charge.



The excerpts included here describe in detail the condition of various watersheds in the vicinity of Philadelphia, which the City considered using for an alternative water supply. Most of these watersheds, unlike the territory draining into the Schuylkill, were relatively unspoiled in 1884. This report is a preliminary portion of the 1886 Water Supply Report, also by Hering, much of which has been excerpted elsewhere on PhillyH2O. Also related is the 1884 Sanitary Survey of the Schuylkill River.



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Page last modified March 1, 2010

The History of Philadelphia's Watersheds and Sewers

Compiled by Adam Levine
Historical Consultant
Philadelphia Water Department
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